Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ronald McDonald

Ya' know it's one thing to see someone dressed up as Ronald McDonald in an ad on television, or some poor fast food employee on a street corner who drew the short straw, but what about a couple of hundred people with no shame dressed in gold and red walking down Broadway Thanksgiving Day underneath a bloated Ronald McDonald. Perhaps they have no choice because they are tied to big Mac and can't get away, or is big Mac tied to them so he doesn't get away.

There is a bright side to this nonsense in that Europe has gone so green that Ronald McDonald has traded in his traditional red for green. Yes, Europe has gone so green that it has switched the all too familiar red for hunter green. Some people will do anything to get into a parade, but as for walking beneath a red or green Big Mac tethered to his feet or body? Well it's all for fun and it really is an honor to walk in the annual Macy's Day Parade.

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