Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My idyllic setting

Idyllic settings are peaceful and never change. They are simple places, relaxing, totally out of the mainstream of our daily activity. For me, an idyllic setting is represented by some Adirondack chairs beside a peaceful pond in the middle of nowhere. It represents a place where I can get away and relax anytime.

So what did you do on your vacation this year? How did you get away and relax? Cruises, safaris, theme parks, casinos, getaway resorts, and island hideaways all vie for our vacation dollars and time. If you’re like us, we’ve tried a few and enjoyed them. Sometimes we have wondered how cool it would be to stay at a venue for the rest of our lives. Then reality hits, the vacation is over and we return to our daily routine for another year.

How about you? Where is your idyllic getaway? Is it a real place, or are you still searching?


  1. I think my idylic getaway is somewhere hidden in Italy... Actually I'm 95% sure that it's the city of Venice.

    I've been there with my family around 5 years ago, in addition to many other cities in Italy. It rained the whole time we were there... We bought cheap-last minute idiocy-umbrellas from a possibly-Indian street merchant. But...the city is indescribably hypnotic! There was fantastic view anywhere you looked, millions of spots you imagine you could live in, irritatingly fashionable people at all times, and the history is nothing you can fit in a tour of a weekend... And the food is actually alive and it has a personality of its own! It's just that the city has such a strong personality that it makes you feel like you don't belong there but it makes you want to live there anyways! I believe it's the same with all of Italy.

    So, I think my idylic getaway is a place which includes the following: view so good that it feasts my eyes, food so good that it feasts my tummy, and company so good that it feasts my soul...

  2. my idyllic place is in Ireland...just about anywhere in Ireland and N Ireland is a good spot for me, but I really loved the northernmost part of Co Donegal. I would retire there if I had anything to retire from!! :)

  3. We would like Ireland--even have some family roots there.
