Thursday, May 21, 2009

Holiday driving

Don't you just love a holiday? Gas stations slowly increase their prices about 20 percent in the weeks before regardless of oil prices because they know we'll go. But if you're like us and stuck in traffic, get out the camera and start taking pictures. There are trailers, campers, wagons, vans and canoes all trying to get someplace but going no place. If you're really curious and brave, roll down your window and ask where they think they are going.
It seems sitting in cars on the holiday highway has become an American pasttime, so take advantage of it. It's an opportunity to chronical life around you. It's one thing millions of Americans do on a holiday. Open the sunroof and photograph the people behind you, beside you and in front of you. Shoot road signs and people signs. Some people send some rather direct signs, but keep your distance and keep shooting. You'll never see them again, hopefully.

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