Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I love New York

How could you not love New York? There are clothing deals on every corner and the hot dog cuisine is like no other place on the planet.

Yesterday you saw the finest Italian designer neckties for $6 and today it’s tee shirts for $2, but oops, wait . . . there’s a small 99 on that sign, so I guess the shirts are really closer to $3. Still a deal.

Now, how about the rolling covered restaurant. No dishes to wash, no tables to clean, no floors to scrub and no menus to update. Just keep the dogs hot, the buns warm and the drinks cold. At the end of the day, roll it all up, and go home.


  1. Next time you are looking for some street-wise cuisine, may I recommend the 'pizza cart' outside 345 Park Avenue. Most excellent choices and really cheap!!

    And FYI... this sort of thing is called dai pai dong in Cantonese, we usually shy away from it on the streets of Hong Kong since the chickens heads are still attached around here.

  2. If it is really a cart I'll check it out in a few days, but if it's some five star gourmet restaurant trying to pass itself off as a cart without wheels then it's off the list!

  3. seriously, it is a pizza cart. I would not lie... the slices had big strips of basil and on top... I can almost taste it now.

  4. If it is that good, I'll email you a piece to Hong Kong.
