Friday, March 5, 2010

The colorful fabric of life

Color represents our moods from cool to warm, sad to happy, laid back to full of energy. We move from color to color throughout the day depending on the events that shape us. The transition is not always smooth or well defined but often confusing and blurred. Yet, as we move through each day of our lives, we sense a streak of warmth that overall gives us comfort. For some it might be ice cream, or Starbucks, a book, a special place, a close friend or spouse, or even God himself. Whatever it is, everyone needs a source of comfort to bring them back to reality at the end of each day. Something that helps them bring a sense of warmth and comfort into their life and draw us back from the edges.

The camera can help express these transitions as shown here. The rules say, "Hold the camera steady or use a tripod in low light." I would rather break the rules, leave the tripod home, and move the camera. Just like us, there is so much expression in motion.

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