Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gotta' have it!

Do you know anyone who suffers, or rather makes you suffer, from the "gotta have its?" For example, which lady bought the first hat, only to have her three "gotta have it" friends do the same. We all know, Mrs. Jones was first and everyone else wanted to keep up with her, that is until they all wore it to the same function, and suddenly it was like two teens showing up at the prom in identical dresses. Yikes!

Guys, we're just as guilty, often to the point that we have to not only meet, but upstage the Joneses in our life. It's the car, house, lawn tractor, grill, cordless drill, chainsaw, computer, cell phone and oh yeah, how many megapixels is your camera? (Yes, some questions do get too personal.) Some are more ridiculous than others, but only our wives can determine what's really important, aside from my camera's megapixels, of course.

So, let's have some fun with this. Give me some "gotta' have its" in the  comments. Just be careful, the "Joneses," or your spouse, can post a comment, too.

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