Friday, July 30, 2010

If doors could talk

If only old doors and door handles like this one could talk. After being pulled by more than six generations of calloused hard-working hands of carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, and handymen, the once beautiful curved brass handle on the front door of Meeker Hardware in Danbury, CT, is showing signs of fatigue. Who knows how many coats of paint are on the 125 year old door.

The handle and the door remind me of people. No matter how attractive and useful we might have thought we were at one point, eventually, our parts begin to shift and perhaps we aren’t as strong or agile as we once were. But underneath, there’s still a classic beauty and a sense of dignity that we now call “elegant.”

Like the door, we have a few more cracks and chips than we had before and we have some wear marks that have surfaced. I guess the door’s age makes it easier to accept pink and gray paint for a traditionally machismo store. After all, I’m sure if you dig deep enough, you will find a layer of dark green paint, but then weren’t we a little green once? In fact, wasn’t everything green at least once?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, You have brought the old door and handle to life. I will continue to ponder your thoughts. :) Thanks for the post.
