This is the best we could do today. It’s cold and flu season and we are right in season. I got the cold first and generously shared it with Lois. One of the good things about getting it first is that Lois sets the bar for how I will take care of her when it’s her turn. If she sets it high, then I’m obligated to pamper her when she gets it. Low, then it’s my choice, but after forty years of marriage, I’ve learned the consequences of making the wrong choice.
Like most couples, we each have our own respective cures. She goes for the Tylenol & tea combo, and I break out my “magic” pills. I brought 100 of them back from Thailand where they wiped out a real nasty cold in two days. She tried them once and they wiped her out instead of the cold. They are amazing and available from your local pharmacist in Thailand, China, and I guess anywhere in Asia. I figure I can get about six more colds before I have to go back and get some more.
In the meantime, we keep our faces covered and lay low waiting for it to pass.