Friday, November 19, 2010

The eyes have it.

No matter how old or how young, our eyes say so much even when we say so little. When we focus on people's eyes, we can tell how they think and how they develop thoughts. We can also see evidence of fatigue, stress, sickness, malnutrition, fear, sorrow, joy, restlessness, truthfulness, confidence. We know when someone is working too long with too little sleep. We often "read" a person's eyes to determine if they are telling the truth or not.

This little girl followed me around Teupasenti, Honduras, for a couple of days. She didn't have a bike and I never saw a doll or a toy, just her parrot. They went everywhere together and you can tell by her eyes, that it was the joy of her life. In fact that's all she had, and yet she was so happy. Her little brother often tagged along, but he just watched anticipating the day when he could have a pet of his own.

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