Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Big city lights

It's Christmas time in the city. While we love our peaceful life in the country, we are privileged to live close enough to New York City, so replete with iconic images of Christmas, that we can sneak in and see lights on a massive scale. Sure, we all have our Christmas trees, candles in the windows, lights in the bushes, on the fence or outlining a house, but New York just seems to do it up big, as only New York could. From the top of the Empire State Building to Macy’s Broadway marquis and an eleven story cascade of lights, there’s nothing like the city at Christmas.

It seems New York is unscathed by  controversies about public displays of lights with Christmas themes that seem to plague so many small towns. Some towns are open and festive about Christmas, but others have no public displays and don’t even put candles in the windows of private homes. One thing is for sure, they certainly celebrate with gifts and parties.

What about you? What’s your preference? The big city bedecked in millions of lights and decorations, the peaceful small town with a candle in every window and a tree on the town square wrapped in holiday lights, or the town that celebrates the birth of Christ behind closed doors with the drapes pulled?

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