Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a new year. Have you thrown out the trash from last year?

It's a new year and time to clean out the trash that bogged us down in 2010. I'm not saying trash everything from last year, unless of course it was a real bad year for you, just get rid of the stuff that will drag you down in 2011. I don't mean just coffee cups, water bottles, and Coke cans; I mean anything that will detract you from making your goals in 2011.

When we surround ourselves with stuff, we tend to fall back on old habits while everyone around us moves ahead embracing new technologies and new ways of thinking. Remember the eight track players, and five inch floppy discs? Remember LP records, Polaroid cameras and the Instamatic camera? They were great new ideas, products, and trends of the past that have since become no-bid stuff on e-bay (many are sitting on a shelf in my prop room). They have been replaced by technologies virtually unknown at the beginning of this century. If the memories were great, put it on a shelf, but don't hang onto it because you are waiting for the Smithsonian to make you an offer. If it's that good, they probably already have it.

As you move ahead in 2011, keep your eyes and your minds open. New markets, new ideas, new products, new trends, and new ways of communicating will unfold more rapidly than ever. The old stuff that you have been hanging onto, simply won't work, but before you trash it, send me an email as I might want to add it to my prop room. If I don't, it really is trash.

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