Thursday, August 19, 2010

Marlboro Man

The Marlboro Man, 45 year icon of masculinity, is alive and well in Central America. At least it sure looks like him.

I found him in Teupasenti, Honduras, this week just standing outside his house two hours from the nearest paved road. Horses and donkeys roamed freely in the streets and most houses have at least one light. Every street was rutted from daily torrential rains that dropped several inches of water in an hour or so. Some ruts looked like earthquake fault lines several feet deep, but no one seems to mind, and if they did, there's not much anyone could do.

There is a weather-worn sense of pride and confidence in his face. He never spoke while I was photographing him. He just stared, but there was a glint in his eye that, despite the abject poverty all around him, he was the Teupasenti's Marlboro Man without his horse or his cigarette.


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