Monday, August 2, 2010


Wow! Everyday should start like this. There is just something mystical, or heavenly, about the way the early morning sun bursts through the trees in our front yard and penetrates the morning mist. You just know it's going to be not just a great day, but a significant day.

As I look at it, I'm reminded of so many key historic events that focus on the glory of God. Perhaps Moses is getting ready to come off the mountain with the ten commandments, or Elijah just ascended into heaven. Maybe Mary & Martha saw light like this in the garden as they approached the tomb on Easter morning, or is it like the light that blinded Paul on the Damascus road? Spectacular light, reminds us of significant events.

What does it say to you?   What lights up your life?  Think about it,  . . . let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Love beautiful! Or a great spot to have a late afternoon nap on the grass, I'm there! Thanks for posting and tho'ts to think about. blessings'n'hugs...
