Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rush hour traffic

Rush hour is one of those terms that comedian George Carlin struggled with. “What’s so rush about rush hour, a person can’t move?" he would ask.  Interstate highways in our more populated urban areas become a log-jam of commuters going to or from work all within an hour of each other, regardless of how many lanes there are.

Trust me, no matter where one goes in the world, it seems there is a rush hour of some sort. We drove up and down this road several times one day in Hounduras, but as we were going back to our hotel in the afternoon rush hour, we found ourselves staring up the notrils of a herd of cattle. It seems that no one explained basic highway etiquette to them or the importance of rest stops.

So, next time you are sitting in a rush hour parking lot, take out your camera or iphone and start shooting. Some of our favorite images were taken out of our sunroof when we were stuck in traffic.

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