Thursday, April 7, 2011

Now, that's a wrap!

Remember when you were a kid and your mom always reminded you to wear your "wraps," or "make sure you are all wrapped up." It didn't matter if you were the only one in class still wearing a -30 degree down coat in April. How weird! I can understand gift wrap, and "that's a wrap," or a Caesar salad wrap on a menu, but wrap a kid?

I'm just thankful my mother never wrapped me up like these trees. "It's springtime and I've still got my wraps on! Let me out of here! None of my friends on the other side of the wall have to wear wraps."

Can you imagine being wrapped in burlap all winter? Furthermore, if the government closes down this weekend, who knows when it will get unwrapped as these trees are in a national historic site maintained by the National Park Service.

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