Saturday, June 5, 2010

Class photo

You would think it would be a no brainer to get a class photo of a photo workshop. Think again. The reason why you see so few pictures of one person in your family is, first, they don't want to photographed, and second, they are usually the one behind the camera.

And so it was with our workshop at the Danbury Railway Museum - everyone was willing to take the "class" picture as long as they didn't have to be in it. Solution, let them photograph themselves in action along with everyone else. We found this wonderful old headlight reflector and had the group do its own self portrait.

Yes, there is a camera in front of each face, but that's how most people see us, so why not capture an image of us that everyone else sees? Who knows, perhaps without a camera, no one would recognize us, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!!! How well I remember it!!
