Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Out for lunch

Yes, Ella Grace decided to come out for lunch yesterday. Our daughter, Kelly, had been carrying her around inside until just past noon Monday, June 28, when she decided to make her grand entry into the world at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 20.5 inches long. She is Kelly’s first baby and our fifth grand baby. And what a grand experience it is.

I’m always amazed at newly created life and how it can live immersed in a wet sack for nine months and then come out, breath air, holler, and eat all in a matter of minutes. It’s one of those times when you wish a newborn could articulate that experience in a way that we could understand. What is it like to hear sounds, see light, and have people hover above your face making sounds and crazy faces trying to get a smile or response. Maybe she just wants to climb back inside where it was dark and warm and food was just automatic, “But then Mom always liked going out for lunch, so why shouldn’t I?”

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